First Annual Walk with Wolverines
Ann Arbor, MI - On Saturday, October 19th, the Detroit Partnership hosted Walk with Wolverines, a day dedicated to bringing Detroit students and faculty members from on-campus organizations a chance to experience a day on the Ann Arbor campus. The Detroit Partnership’s goal is to demonstrate the importance of continued education in communities that are often neglected and underrepresented in higher education.
The full-day event started with presentations from the University of Michigan’s Office of Undergraduate Admissions, Office of Diversity and Inclusion, Office of Financial Aid as well as the Comprehensive Studies Program within the College of Literature, Science and the Arts. These presentations focused on important areas when making the decision to attend college such as tips on your college application, financial aid options for paying tuition, as well as learning about the many outreach and diversity programs available to students here on campus. Following these presentations, students received a tour of the Ann Arbor campus including the Big House Football Stadium. After a catered lunch, students had the chance to ask any questions or concerns they have to our panel made up of alumni and current students.
As our first Walk with Wolverines, the Detroit Partnership is very excited to share our campus with members within our larger community of Detroit. We hope that this event made students feel more comfortable and less in the shadows about the college process by showing them the surplus of resources available.