Virtual DP Day 2020: How You Can Help
Yesterday, April 4, would have been DP Day 2020 with hundreds of volunteers around the City of Detroit working together with our community partners on projects that they would like to accomplish to improve the city. Unfortunately, we had to cancel DP Day 2020 due to COVID-19, you can read the full statement from our Major Events Directors, Danielle Belanger & Alex Riehs, here.
As the disappointment of canceling DP Day 2020 started to settle in, we began to brainstorm ways that we could best serve the City of Detroit and our community partners during this difficult time. Detroit has been hit hard by COVID-19, currently with 3,969 cases, and we believe the best way to serve our community partners is to encourage donations to these following organizations:
Whether you are able to donate needed supplies or funds, we would appreciate you to honor DP Day 2020 by contributing to these organizations. We hope to work within the next year on making DP Day 2021 the best one yet, but until then please keep those on the frontlines and impacted by COVID-19 in your thoughts. Thank you for your support of DP Day 2020, and we hope you are staying healthy.